working to identify problem areas and impediments to the global trade process, develop global solutions and promote regulatory reform
NCITD’s primary objective is to keep our membership informed while maintaining direct contact with the regulatory policy-makers. By joining NCITD you gain direct access to the policy makers who participate in government and international relations. You also gain access to our membership -- experienced professionals who can provide practical perspectives on compliance with complex regulations. NCITD membership allows your company to send more than one representative of your staff to any of our meetings (membership by organization). You can download a copy of our membership brochure here for more information.
If you are interested in joining NCITD please fill out the electronic form below. You can also access a PDF version of the application form here. Please note that dues are collected on an honor system. We rely on members to accurately represent the size of their organization.
Membership benefits include:
Our monthly trade meetings with policy makers and regulators provides a unique forum for information exchange and discussion. Our off-the-record and closed to the press meetings mean that our speakers can talk more openly about government policy and upcoming regulatory changes.
A forum to offer informal and constructive feedback on existing or proposed regulations.
Seminars and workshops.
Quarterly member networking events (happy hour, holiday party etc.)
Annual scholarship program for students interested in international trade careers
An opportunity to benchmark with member companies.
A network of experienced trade professionals offering practical advice on complex export and import related regulatory issues.
A positive and proactive relationship with government officials through "off the record" dialogue.
NCITD's reputation for valuable views on international trade issues.
Membership in the NCITD is open to anyone with an interest in international issues. Our membership is currently made up of a mix of industry, law firms and consultants. Companies with activities in the areas of import and export are strongly encouraged to join.
In 2018 NCITD introduced a new, simplified annual membership fee structure to better align our membership levels. Our membership fee schedule for all types of organizations (e.g., Importers/exporters, law firms, consulting firms, and other trade-related service providers) is as follows:
Tier 1: Annual gross revenue of less than US $1 million or non-profit organizations: $500 per year
Tier 2: Annual gross revenue between US $1 million and US $50 million: $1,500 per year
Tier 3: Annual gross revenue greater than US $50 million: $3,000 per year
Dues Prorating Policy: Any company that joins after July of a given year may join the organization for a prorated dues amount equal to 1/12 of the annual dues for each pro-rated month. To obtain dues prorating, companies must join for all of the following year.